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Kamis, 29 November 2012

Analytical Exposition

School's Facilities Make Study More Effective

We personally think, that to do some activities, every people need some supportive equipments. This equipments hopefully can make the activities become better and more efficient. One of the important activities in human life is study. We as the students need some facilities that can make study become more efficient than before. So, what are the advantages from the school's facilities to make study more effective?

First, if the school have complete and comfortable facilities, of course it will make students more enjoy their study. We could see that if students are having nice, clean and also complete facilities, it will bring good mood and good spirit for students.

Second reasons, if the school have complete facilities, it will support the students activities and make it become easily to reach. For the teachers, the facilities also make teachers easily give the matters to their students. So, it will make the purpose of study itself reached and the students can gain many achievements because the efficient learning that they get.

So, from the facts above, one thing is really clear, school's facilities is really important to the students because it will make the "study" more effective than before and also it will make the good advantages for the students and teachers.

Created by: Febrian Panji Nugroho, Sitti Nurul Jannah, Zulfa Khairunnisa Ishan

Minggu, 25 November 2012

expression pain, relief, pleasure


In a Saturday night, 2 young girls, Zulfa and Ranti are skating on the ice skate.

Ranti  : What a good night! This is terrific!
Zulfa  : Yes of course, but this is better to us to go to another place. I want to have some drinks.
Ranti  : Oh come on, we just arrived and you want to take some drinks? (patting Zulfa)
Zulfa  : Oww, stop it patting me! That's hurt me...
Ranti  : Well, sorry. Oh, look. There is a canteen there!
Zulfa  : Where?

Suddenly, Zulfa hits a boy that walk before them.

Dwiki  : Ouch, my legs! (fall down)
Zulfa    : Aww, it hurts me! (fall down) Uhm, sorry sir. This is an accident.
Dwiki  : Never mind, but I cann't stand up!

Syarif comes to them and try to help Dwiki.

Syarif  : What happened here? What happened to you? Come on, I will help you.
Dwiki  : This girl accidentally hit me. That's a relief you were here. But, I think there is a problem with my legs.
Ranti   : Zulfa, can you stand up?
Zulfa   : Yes, but this is so painful. And, I'm sorry sir, are you OK?
Dwiki : Not at all, I think I'd better to go to hospital.
Syarif : I will take you to the hospital.
Zulfa  : And, we will accompany you to the hospital.
Ranti  : Yeah, I will call the ambulance now.

Dwiki is taken to the hospital. There, he is cured by the doctor in a medical examination room. Then, Syarif visits him.

Dwiki  : Oh, thanks God!
Syarif  : How do you feel?
Dwiki  : It's very relaxing! But, I think I still need some rest.
Syarif  : That's great news! I 'm happy to heard that!

Zulfa and Ranti come in to the room.

Zulfa  : Oh, sir. I'm really sorry about that accident.
Dwiki : That's all right. I feel better now.
Ranti  : Fantastic! The doctor just need a few hours to cure your legs.
Syarif : Well, that's the god's miracles.
Zulfa  : By the way, I'm relieved to heard that. And this is some fruits for you. Hope you will get well soon!
Dwiki : Thanks!
Zulfa : You are welcome!

Expression :
- Oww, stop it patting me!  
- That's hurt me...
- Ouch, my legs!
-Aww, it hurts me!
-This is so painful

-That's a relief you were here
-Oh, thanks God!
-It's very relaxing!
-I feel better now.
-I'm relieved to heard that.

- This is terrific!
-That's great news!
-I 'm happy to heard that!

Jumat, 23 November 2012

Report Text


Strawberry is one of delicious fruits that has many advantages for our health. Strawberry which has a binominal name as fragaria x ananassa, was first bred in Brittany France. However, now we can find strawberry everywhere, such as Asia, Europe, or even America.

The characteristics of strawberry based on its aroma, bright colour, juicy texture, and sweetness.The strawberry plants itself grow as vines and has many dots on its surface. There are many variety that plants in Indonesia such as Osogrande, Pajera, Selva, Ostara, Tenita, Robunda, Bogota, Elvira, Grella, and Red Gatlet.

Strawberry contains some range of nutrients, they are vitamin C, phytonutrients and anti oxidants. These all of the nutrients have many benefits for our health, like for anti-cancer, healthy eyes, halthy bones, also healthy skin. Commonly, strawberry can consume as fresh fruits, preserves, juice, ice cream, pies, milk shake, etc.

expression of warn, surprise, advice

Hello ! This is one of my assignment that my group have done. Enjoy! :D

In classroom, there are 2 students sit on the chair. They are talking about a new student from Spain. From a rumor, the new student is gorgeous, smart and also good looking.
Zulfa: Hi Ran ! Do you know about the new student in our class?
Ranti: No, I don’t know. Tell me more about that !
Zulfa: Well, from a rumor He is gorgeous, smart, and good looking.
Ranti: Really ? Are you sure about that ?
Zulfa: Yes, of course.
KRIIIIIING KRIIIIIING (The bell ringing). The teacher came into the class.
Ilma(Teacher): Good Morning students .
Students: Good Morning, Miss.
Ilma(Teacher): Today, We have a new students from Spain. Well, you must be kind to him.
Students: OK Miss.
Ilma(Teacher): Bogy, please come in. (Bogy come into the class)
Bogy: Hello guys. My name is Bogy Oktavianto. You can call me Bogy. I’m from Spain and   the reason I move is to accompany my parents. Nice to meet you.
Ranti: You must  be joking Zulfa. He is not gorgeous at all.
Zulfa: Well, it’s surprising that he is not just like what I said.
Ilma(Teacher): Silent please ! Bogy you can sit there and let’s we continue our lesson.
The class continue the lesson
Bogy: Miss, may I go to toilet ?
Ilma(Teacher): Of course, I’ll give you 3 minutes.
Bogy goes to the toilet but until 3 minutes, He doesn't come back to the class. Miss Ilma ask Ranti and Zulfa to find Bogy.
Ilma(Teacher): Where is Bogy ? He doesn’t come for 15 minutes. Hmm... Zulfa and Ranti you need to find Bogy now!
Zulfa: Yes Miss
Zulfa and Ranti try to find Bogy in whole school and finally they find Bogy at the canteen.
Ranti: Zulfa, is that Bogy?
Zulfa: Yes, I think that’s right! Let’s go there !
Ranti: Bogy what are you doing?
Bogy: Hmm.....
Zulfa: I suggest you not to do this in your first time Bogy. You will be in the trouble.
Ranti: Yeah, and now I think you’d better to come into the class.
They go to the class.
Ilma(Teacher): Bogy, where have you been ?
Bogy: I’m sorry Miss. I went to the canteen. I forgot about the culture in Indonesia is different with the Spain culture.
Ilma(Teacher): Don’t go to the canteen without permission, Bogy !
Bogy: I’m sorry Miss.
Ilma(Teacher): For your first time, I accept your regret. But for my advice. You need to be careful in doing something, Bogy. Also, you need to learn our culture because now you stay here in Indonesia. If you have learn about our culture, you will be easy to socialize with your environment.
Bogy:..............Yes, I will consider your advice.
After school, Zulfa and Ranti go home by a bus. But, Bogy ride a motorcycle to go home. Bogy disobey the rule again, and he ride the motorcycle fastly at the street. Unfortunately Bogy crash an electric pole. Ranti, Zulfa, and the others friend that saw the accident try to help him. He is taken to the hospital. Miss Ilma as his teacher is visit Bogy.
Ranti: Oh my God ! What happen Bogy? Let’s go to hospital.

Bogy: Owwww, this is so painful. I’m so regret.
Ranti: For the next time you can’t ride a motorcycle here. You need to have a drive licence.
Zulfa: Yeah, that’s right. Also you need to drive carefully on the street.
Bogy: Ok guys, thanks for your advice. I think I need to learn more about the Indonesian culture.
Zulfa: Of course you need to learn about that. By the way Miss Ilma will come to visit you.
Bogy: Really? Oh she will really mad to me.
Ranti: Don’t worry. She won’t. She just want to give you same advice.
After 5 minutes, Miss Ilma knock the door.
Ilma(Teacher):Assalamu’alaikum.... . How are you Bogy? Do you feel better now?
Bogy: Not at all, Miss. Thanks for your visiting Miss.
Ilma(Teacher): Don’t mention it. How did you get that accident?
Ranti: He was driving fast. And unfortunately, he hit an electric pole.
Ilma(Teacher):Are you serious! Oh Bogy! Poor you, hope you get well soon.
Bogy: Thanks Miss, that was my fault.
Zulfa: Well, you need ti fix your mistake and turn into the better person, Bogy.
Ranti: Yeah you right.
For a month, Bogy is in the hospital. And after that accident, Bogy learn the Indonesian culture and turn into a good boy that always obey the rules.
And from the short dialogue above we can get some examples of how to show surprising, warning, and advising. Those are:

 Expressing of Warning:
·         - Silent please !
·         Don’t go to the canteen without permission !
·         For the next time you can’t ride a motorcycle here!
Expressing of Surprise:
·         Really ?
·         Are you sure about that ?
·         You must  be joking!
·         - Oh my God!
·         Really?
·         Are you serious?
Expressing of Advice :
·         I suggest you not to do this in your first time
·         I think you’d better to come into the class
·        But for my advice you need to be careful in doing something
·         You need to drive carefully on the street.
·         You need to have a drive licence

Kamis, 15 November 2012

Sang Penyendiri

Apa yang kau pikirkan?
Duduk termangu menatap hampa
Menyapu hamparan acuh yang ricuh
Tanpa peduli aku terpaku

Apa yang harus kulakukan?
Melepas sayap-sayap rapuh?
Atau menadah serpihan tangis?
Tangis yang memutar memori sakit itu?

Kau tak pernah tahu
Atau justru tak mau tahu
Luka yang merindu
Saat langkahmu berlari menujuku

Kini, tak mampu lagi kutatap mata itu
Aku hanya tertunduk, menutup mata
Namun hati ini tetap berdendang suram
Menunggu bibirmu sebut namaku

Tak mungkin, tuk gapaimu
Tak mungkin mengejar anganmu
Tak mungkin menghapus bayangmu
Mungkin, biarlah diri ini diam membisu
Dalam luka, hampa, dan rindu

Minggu, 04 November 2012

Introducing Me

Introducing Me …

Hi, everyone! My name is Zulfa Khairunnisa Ishan,
I am a student of Senior High School number 1 Pontianak,
I was born on Pontianak, 15th February 1997,
My hobbies are reading, debating, and also collecting stamps,
I love to eat some foods like fried rice, meatball, pizza, and many more.
I also love to drink carrot juice, apple juice, pure water, ice cream, etc.
I really love these words:
Tomorrow is mystery, yesterday is history, and today is a gift.
And the most important things that I am a Muslim and I really proud of it 
Don’t forget to follow my blog :D

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

my lovely big family

Kisah Nabi Idris A.S. dan Malaikat Izrail

Cara Malaikat Izrail mencabut nyawa tergantung dari amal perbuatan orang yang bersangkutan, bila orang yang akan meninggal dunia itu durhaka kepada Alloh, maka Malaikat Izrail mencabut nyawa secara kasar.

Sebaliknya, bila terhadap orang yang soleh, cara mencabutnya dengan lemah lembut dan dengan hati-hati.

Namun demikian peristiwa terpisahnya nyawa dengan raga tetap teramat menyakitkan.

“Sakitnya sakaratul maut itu, kira-kira tiga ratus kali sakitnya dipukul pedang”. (H.R. Ibnu Abu Dunya).

Di dalam kisah Nabi Idris a.s, beliau adalah seorang ahli ibadah, kuat mengerjakan sholat sampai puluhan raka’at dalam sehari semalam dan selalu berzikir di dalam kesibukannya sehari-hari. Catatan amal Nabi Idris a.s yang sedemikian banyak, setiap malam naik ke langit. Hal itulah yang sangat menarik perhatian Malaikat Maut, Izrail.

Maka bermohonlah ia kepada Alloh Swt agar di perkenankan mengunjungi Nabi Idris a.s. di dunia. Alloh Swt, mengabulkan permohonan Malaikat Izrail, maka turunlah ia ke dunia dengan menjelma sebagai seorang lelaki tampan,dan bertamu kerumah Nabi Idris.

“Assalamu’alaikum, yaa Nabi Alloh”. Salam Malaikat Izrail,

“Wa’alaikum salam wa rahmatulloh”. Jawab Nabi Idris a.s.

Beliau sama sekali tidak mengetahui, bahwa lelaki yang bertamu ke rumahnya itu adalah Malaikat Izrail.

Seperti tamu yang lain, Nabi Idris a.s. melayani Malaikat Izrail, dan ketika tiba saat berbuka puasa, Nabi Idris a.s. mengajaknya makan bersama, namun di tolak oleh Malaikat Izrail.

Selesai berbuka puasa, seperti biasanya, Nabi Idris a.s mengkhususkan waktunya “menghadap”. Alloh sampai keesokan harinya. Semua itu tidak lepas dari perhatian Malaikat Izrail. Juga ketika Nabi Idris terus-menerus berzikir dalam melakukan kesibukan sehari-harinya, dan hanya berbicara yang baik-baik saja.

Pada suatu hari yang cerah, Nabi Idris a.s mengajak jalan-jalan “tamunya” itu ke sebuah perkebunan di mana pohon-pohonnya sedang berbuah, ranum dan menggiurkan. “Izinkanlah saya memetik buah-buahan ini untuk kita”. Pinta Malaikat Izrail (menguji Nabi Idris a.s).

“Subhanalloh, (Maha Suci Alloh)” kata Nabi Idris a.s.

“Kenapa ?” Malaikat Izrail pura-pura terkejut.

“Buah-buahan ini bukan milik kita”. Ungkap Nabi Idris a.s.

Kemudian Beliau berkata: “Semalam anda menolak makanan yang halal, kini anda menginginkan makanan yang haram”.

Malaikat Izrail tidak menjawab. Nabi Idris a.s perhatikan wajah tamunya yang tidak merasa bersalah. Diam-diam beliau penasaran tentang tamu yang belum dikenalnya itu. Siapakah gerangan ? pikir Nabi Idris a.s.

“Siapakah engkau sebenarnya ?” tanya Nabi Idris a.s.

“Aku Malaikat Izrail”. Jawab Malaikat Izrail.

Nabi Idris a.s terkejut, hampir tak percaya, seketika tubuhnya bergetar tak berdaya.

“Apakah kedatanganmu untuk mencabut nyawaku ?” selidik Nabi Idris a.s serius.

“Tidak” Senyum Malaikat Izrail penuh hormat.

“Atas izin Alloh, aku sekedar berziarah kepadamu”. Jawab Malaikat Izrail.

Nabi Idris manggut-manggut, beberapa lama kemudian beliau hanya terdiam.

“Aku punya keinginan kepadamu”. Tutur Nabi Idris a.s

“Apa itu ? katakanlah !”. Jawab Malaikat Izrail.

“Kumohon engkau bersedia mencabut nyawaku sekarang. Lalu mintalah kepada Alloh SWT untuk menghidupkanku kembali, agar bertambah rasa takutku kepada-Nya dan meningkatkan amal ibadahku”. Pinta Nabi Idris a.s.

“Tanpa seizin Alloh, aku tak dapat melakukannya”, tolak Malaikat Izrail.

Pada saat itu pula Alloh SWT memerintahkan Malaikat Izrail agarmengabulkan permintaan Nabi Idris a.s.

Dengan izin Alloh Malaikat Izrail segera mencabut nyawa Nabi Idris a.s. sesudah itu beliau wafat.

Malaikat Izrail menangis, memohonlah ia kepada Alloh SWT agar menghidupkan Nabi Idris a.s. kembali. Alloh mengabulkan permohonannya.

Setelah dikabulkan Allah Nabi Idris a.s. hidup kembali. “Bagaimanakah rasa mati itu, sahabatku ?” Tanya Malaikat Izrail. “Seribu kali lebih sakit dari binatang hidup dikuliti”. Jawab Nabi Idris a.s.

“Caraku yang lemah lembut itu, baru kulakukan terhadapmu”, kata Malaikat Izrail.

Masya Alloh, lemah-lembutnya Malaikat Maut (Izrail) itu terhadap Nabi Idris a.s.

Bagaimanakah jika sakaratul maut itu, datang kepada kita ? Siapkah kita untuk menghadapinya ?

“Sebarkanlah walau hanya satu ayat”

Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Lima Sekawan

Lima Sekawan atau The Famous Five adalah karya fiksi dari penulis Inggris, Enid Blyton yang paling terkenal. Buku Lima Sekawan terbit pertama kali pada tahu
n 1942 di Inggris, pada seri pertama Five on a Treasure Island (Lima Sekawan di Pulau Harta Karun) yang mendapat banyak pujian serta kritik. Seri-seri dari Lima Sekawan telah menjadi karya cerita anak-anak Enid Blyton yang paling disukai di banyak negara. Bahkan semua serinya telah diadaptasi menjadi hiburan televisi di Inggris.

Lima Sekawan adalah grup fiksi dari detektif cilik - Julian, Dick, Anne dan George serta anjing mereka, Timmy. Mereka berlima sering terlibat ke dalam kasus-kasus menarik yang misterius serta melakukan petualangan yang menarik. Tempat yang menjadi latar belakang cerita Lima Sekawan kebanyakan adalah fiksi, seperti Pulau Kirrin yang menjadi lokasi harta karun pada seri pertamanya.

Blyton awalnya hanya menuliskan 6 sampai 8 buku cerita Lima Sekawan, namun karena tingginya angka penjualan dan antusiasme pembaca, makan serinya berkembang sampai 21 buku. Sejak akhir 1953 lebih dari 6 juta kopi telah dicetak ulang di Inggris.

Sampai sekarang lebih dari 2 juta kopi terjual setiap tahunnya, membuatnya menjadi salah satu buku anak-anak yang paling laris di dunia.


  • George (Georgina) Kirrin: Georgina adalah seorang anak perempuan tomboi yang bersikeras bahwa dia ingin dipanggil George dan tidak dengan nama Georgina. Dengan rambut pendek dan pakaian anak laki-laki, ia seringkali dikira anak lelaki, dan ia senang akan hal itu. Seperti ayahnya, Quentin, George memiliki sifat emosian dan keras kepala, dan hanya menyukai sesuatu yang ia sukai. George adalah saudara sepupunya Julian, Dick dan Anne.
  • Dick Kirrin : Dick adalah anak yang suka sekali bercanda, tetapi juga teguh dan baik hati. Ia seumuran dengan sepupunya George, dan satu tahun lebih muda dari kakaknya Julian dan lebih tua dari adik perempuannya, Anne. Dick terkenal sangat suka makan.
  • Julian Kirrin : Julian adalah anak tertua dari lima sekawan, sepupunya George, serta kakak dari Dick dan Anne. Julian dikenal kuat dan cerdas serta peduli dan bertanggung jawab sebagai pemimpin dari lima sekawan.
  • Anne Kirrin : Anne adalah bungsu dalam grup, dan biasanya ia banyak melakukan persiapan lima sekawan dalam berbagai liburan atau dalam petualangan, seperti menyiapkan bekal makanan dan minuman. Anne agak penakut dan lebih tidak suka terlibat dalam misteri dan petualangan, dan ia sering mengatakan untuk tidak lagi terlibat dalam misteri meskipun akhirnya hal itu tak terhindarkan.
  • Timmy (Timothy) : Timmy, kadang-kadang dipanggil Tim, adalah anjing kesayangan George yang sangat cerdas dan setia kepada Lima Sekawan, khususnya bagi George. Fisiknya yang kuat membuat ia menjadi pelindung bagi anak-anak dalam beberapa hal. George senang memuji Timmy dan berpikir bahwa dia adalah anjing terbaik di dunia. Dalam buku pertama seri Lima Sekawan, orang tua George melarang George untuk tetap memelihara Timmy dan George terpaksa menyembunyikannya dengan seorang teman di desa. Setelah akhir dari seri pertama Lima Sekawan, orang tuanya akhirnya memperbolehkan George untuk memelihara Timmy.


Enid Blyton menulis sebanyak 21 buah buku Lima Sekawan yang semuanya sudah diterjemahkam dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

  1. Five on a Treasure Island (1942 - ISBN 0-340-79614-6)
  2. Five Go Adventuring Again (1943 - ISBN 0-340-79615-4)
  3. Five Run Away Together (1944 - ISBN 0-340-79617-0)
  4. Five Go To Smuggler's Top (1945 - ISBN 0-340-79618-9)
  5. Five Go Off In A Caravan (1946 - ISBN 0-340-79619-7)
  6. Five on Kirrin Island Again (1947 - ISBN 0-340-79620-0)
  7. Five Go off to Camp (1948 - ISBN 0-340-79621-9)
  8. Five Get into Trouble (1949 - ISBN 0-340-79623-5)
  9. Five Fall into Adventure (1950 - ISBN 0-340-79622-7)
  10. Five on a Hike Together (1951 - ISBN 0-340-79624-3)
  11. Five Have A Wonderful Time (1952 - ISBN 0-340-79625-1)
  12. Five Go Down to the Sea (1953 - ISBN 0-340-79626-X)
  13. Five Go to Mystery Moor (1954 - ISBN 0-340-79627-8)
  14. Five Have Plenty of Fun (1955 - ISBN 0-340-68119-5)
  15. Five on a Secret Trail (1956 - ISBN 0-340-79629-4)
  16. Five Go to Billycock Hill (1957 - ISBN 0-340-79630-8)
  17. Five Get into a Fix (1958 - ISBN 0-340-03363-0)
  18. Five on Finniston Farm (1960 - ISBN 0-340-68123-3)
  19. Five Go to Demon's Rocks (1961 - ISBN 0-340-79633-2)
  20. Five Have a Mystery to Solve (1962 - ISBN 0-340-79634-0)
  21. Five Are Together Again (1963 - ISBN 0-340-79635-9)

Blyton juga menulis beberapa cerita pendek yang menampilkan karakter Lima Sekawan. Cerita tersebut dikompilasi di tahun 1998 dengan judul Five Have a Puzzling Time and Other Stories

Seri Tv

Serial televisi Lima Sekawan yang dibuat tahun 1978, diproduksi oleh Southern Television untuk jaringan ITV di Inggris, sebanyak 26 episode dan berdurasi tiga puluh menit. Lima Sekawan diperankan Michelle Gallagher sebagai Georgina, Marcus Harris sebagai Julian, Jennifer Thanisch sebagai Anne, Gary Russell sebagai Dick, Toddy Woodgate sebagai Timmy. Lalu Michael Hinz sebagai Paman Quentin dan Sue Best sebagai Bibi Fanny. Ada pula tokoh yang diperankan oleh Ronald Fraser, John Carson, Patrick Troughton, James Villiers, Cyril Luckham dan Brian Glover. Naskah ditulis oleh Gloria Tors, Gail Renard, Richard Carpenter dan Richard Sparks. Episodenya disutradarai oleh Peter Duffell, Don Leaver, James Gatward dan Mike Connor. Sebagian besar dari pengambilan gambar serial dilakukan di New Forest dan di Dorset dan Devon (Inggris).